STATE and territory input-output tables


The structure of Australia's state and territory economies varies considerably. There is a need to apply an appropriate Input-Output Table for rigorous analysis.


We are committed to producing up-to-date state and territory input-output tables for Australia twice a year. Please contact us for more details.





input output tables for sa4 regions


The SA4 regions are the largest sub-state statistical regions under the division of the Australian Bureau of Statistics. Population for SA4 regions are at least 100,000. New South Sales is divided into 28 SA4s state-wide. Victoria is divided into 17 SA4s. Queensland is divided into 19 SA4s.


We are committed to producing up-to-date input-output tables for SA4 regions regualrly. Please contact us for more details.


input output tables for custom regions


For countries from China to Indonesia to Mozambique, we are dedicated to producing up-to-date input-output tables at national or regional levels with the latest data. Please contact us for more details.